Building Support for Student Veteran Enrollment
Today, we are excited to release Making the Case for Student Veterans: Building Support for Student Veteran Enrollment.
The Trouble with Transfer for Student Veterans
The US military’s education incentives attract enlistment, but the struggle to convert earned credits into a bachelor’s degree underscores a broader higher education issue that, if addressed, can benefit institutions and systems.
Best Practices at the Institutional Level
Several diverse institutions share a few key best practices for peers looking to improve access and success for student veterans.
Veterans Enrollment: What Do the Data Show?
Ithaka S+R shares how enrollment of student veterans has changed since Fall 2019.
Student Veteran Blog Series
Ithaka S+R shares insights from institutional and nonprofit leaders on the common elements of successful veterans’ programs and how the student veteran population is evolving.
Making the Case for Student Veterans: Building Support for Student Veteran Enrollment
ATI is launching a publication series focused on enrolling, supporting, and graduating student veterans. Making the Case for Student Veterans: Building Support for Student Veteran Enrollment, the first in the series, offers an important starting point for this work: making the case and building support for enrolling veterans at your institution.
Addressing Challenges Faced by Institutions Supporting Student Veterans
College students across the country have experienced the financial, social, and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and…
The American Talent Initiative’s Inaugural Veterans Community of Practice Convening
US military veterans are underrepresented at high-graduation rate colleges and universities.